The signals of the body in the Bottlenose Dolphin and the approach of the dolphins with the man.

We present one of the theses followed by the Center and developed by the candidate Padovani which sheds light on the variety of forms of communication existing between Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), integrating the data present in the literature with observations conducted in the field by the Cetacean Research Center in area of ​​the Island of Elba (Italy, Tyrrhenian Sea), focusing attention on the communication between these non-vocal type cetaceans, the signals of the body, less analyzed by the scientific sector but which instead deserves full attention as it strongly completes the meaning of vocalizations.

In the present study, the intraspecific and interspecific socialization (with man) of the sedentary bottlenose dolphins observed in the sightings made on the island of Elba was analyzed, in which the tendency to an affiliative socialize towards the researcher who immerses himself in water, in conditions of total safety, parallel to the navigation of the "pods" (groups of cetaceans).
While taking into account the limitations and difficulties presented by this type of research, in the present study it clearly emerges that in Bottlenose dolphins the integration between vocal and non-vocal language is of primary importance for complete communication within groups, typical of animal communities. complex. Specific knowledge in this field can be useful for the study and conservation of this species, since it leads to a greater knowledge of the dynamics and formation of groups, their movements, their social and eating habits, highlighting what can therefore be the balances and risk factors for their survival.

For further information, you can request the complete thesis by email.